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Car Inspections in Asheville, NC

Motor vehicles must pass an annual inspection in North Carolina before registration. Generally, motorists have within 90 days of renewing the vehicle. In some counties, vehicles must also pass an emissions test. Premier Wheel & Tire provides car inspections to Asheville, NC residents, helping them to stay ahead of the curve.

person checking motorcycle wheel

We Offer Motorcycle Inspections to Our Customers

At Premier Wheel & Tire, we offer motorcycle inspections to our customers. Keeping compliant with state regulations and laws is a critical part of motorcycle ownership. Fortunately, we can help. Our professionals have years of experience performing these inspections, and we know how to get the job done. Depending on your location, we will check all the required areas of your bike and ensure it is up to code. If we find any problems, we offer affordable solutions. Our customers have raved about our ability to make this process as easy on them as possible. When it comes to fulfilling your motorcycle inspection needs, there is no better place to turn to.

Contact Premier Wheel & Tire Today

At Premier Wheel & Tire, we want to help you pass the test. Some of that responsibility lies with you. Before you come to see us, it pays to perform a test on your own. If your lights have burnt-out bulbs, replace them. If you need new tires, visit our shop. We provide tire replacement. Being proactive will help you pass your inspection.

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