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Lift and Lowering Kits in Asheville, NC

At Premier Wheel & Tire, we pride ourselves on being a multifaceted auto repair shop. While we specialize in repairs to wheels, tires, brakes, and more, we also offer customization options! Our team can install lift and lowering kits for Asheville, NC residents who want to personalize their vehicles. Whether you are a truck owner who wants to off-road or lower kits to change the appearance of your vehicle, we can help. Learn more below.

black lifted chevy truck in desert

We Customize Your Ride to Your Exact Specifications

If you’re ready to take the next step in automobile ownership, then a lift or lowering kit might be right for you. We are experienced at installing them. We take pride in our ability to identify issues and provide solutions to our customers. We will offer a seamless experience that prioritizes your happiness. When we’re done, we will have customized your truck or car exactly how you want.

The Benefits of Lift and Lowering Kits

Whether you choose a lift or lowering kit, there are numerous benefits to modifying your vehicle. Appearance, driving capabilities, and optimized performance are all results that occur when you install one of our kits on your vehicle. The benefits of lift and lowering kits include:

Lift Kits

A lift kit can protect numerous aspects of your vehicle, not only from the road but from off-road elements. For instance, lifting your automobile will protect the bumpers, exhaust, and running boards from rocks, rough roads, and more. They’re especially handy for off-roaders because they provide more clearance from the terrain.

Lowering Kits

On the other hand, if you want to enhance the aerodynamics of your vehicle, then a lowering kit is for you.  Lowering kits improve a vehicle’s handling and traction capabilities. They also help prevent rollovers. Most importantly, it lowers your car’s suspension – creating a smoother ride in the process.

We Provide a Wide Range of Brands

We want to provide you with plenty of options. That’s what customization is all about, after all. At Premier Wheel & Tire, we have developed positive relationships with suppliers, enabling us to provide our customers with the choices they deserve. Our brands include:

Rough Country
Rugged Off Road
Ready Lifts

Visit Our Shop Today for Smart Auto Repairs