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We Offer Tire Replacement to Asheville, NC Motorists

Premier Wheel & Tire is a reputable and family-owned automotive repair shop serving Asheville, NC. Tire replacement is one of our specialties. Whether you are searching for a solution for a flat tire or you want to customize and improve your ride, you can count on our team to deliver superb customer service. Our team is well-known throughout the region for our excellent services. We take our role in the community seriously and want to provide the best options possible to our customers. If you need new tires, see us today.

Rubber tires and wheels at garage business shop

We Take Care of You so You Can Focus on Other Things

Take care of your vehicle’s tires, and they will take care of you. And our team will always work tirelessly to ensure you are taken care of when you visit our shop. We are committed to superior customer service, providing tire replacement for all kinds of vehicles. Don’t delay; driving on depleted tires can be dangerous. We can help.

Our Tire Brands

We sell a vast array of tires at Premier Wheel & Tire. Our goal is to provide our customers with plenty of options, ensuring they find a set of tires that works for their budget. Our brands include:

Falken Tire
Cooper Tires
TOYO Tires
Venom Power
Patriot Tires
Fury Off Road
BF Goodrich

The Signs That You Require New Tires

Your tires are too important to neglect. It is essential to understand how they work and to know the warning signs of tire failure. Fortunately, it isn’t tricky to figure out when to either have them replaced or get a patch. Some of the most common problems include:

Low Air Pressure

If you have to frequently fill your tires at the gas station, it might be a sign that there is a crack or split somewhere in the tire. Sometimes, we can patch the hole. Sometimes, it requires new tires.

Uneven Tire Tread

From time to time, tire tread wears off at different rates. Uneven tire treat indicates several other issues, such as misalignment. You will want to get both problems taken care of, or the issue won’t get better.

Low Tire Tread

Tire tread is important. So if yours is getting low, consider bringing your car to see us. We will provide you with plenty of options for a replacement, ensuring you find one that matches your budget.

Odd Vibrations or Noises

Does your car ride rougher than you remember? The issue might be due to an improperly worn tire. The issues causing odd vibrations are numerous, so it is advisable to immediately bring your car to see us.

Visit Our Shop Today for Smart Auto Repairs